Elevating the Coaching Industry
With the world’s largest network of coaches, Noomii is quickly becoming a global leader in providing coaching solutions to individuals and corporations.
Founded in 2007, Noomii’s humble beginnings started with two friends coaching each other every week under the tutelage of Jack Canfield’s book called Success Principles. What they quickly realized is the active ingredient was not the principles from the book, or any of the thousand other self-improvement books, but the connection between two accountability buddies and the goal-focused conversations they had every week.
From that kernel of insight, Noomii’s reason for existence has evolved into a clear and singular aim: to legitimize the profession of coaching by making it data-driven and evidence based.
Today, our passion for coaching that produces measurable improvements has become inextricably linked to the development of leaders. When a leader creates the right environment in an organization not only are employees given the opportunity to maximize their potential, but the world is given the opportunity to experience it.